Hi! I'm Lara Hogan.

Former VPE at Kickstarter, Engineering Director at Etsy

I've transformed my renowned in-person workshop for managers into this self-paced virtual program. It's accessible, actionable, and will level you up each step of the way.
Workshop instructor standing in front of a slide presentation on a screen

Demystifying Management's 5 Courses

What will I learn?

  • Mentoring, Coaching, and Sponsoring

    You’ll unblock your teammates and accelerate their growth.

  • Dealing With Surprising Human Emotions

    You'll minimize conflict and maximize productivity with your team.

  • Setting Expectations as a Manager

    You'll recognize when and how to be more empowering, or more directive with your team.

  • Delivering Feedback

    Your improved feedback delivery will lead to demonstrable change.

  • Building Resilience

    You'll have more energy to tackle your goals and withstand the tough times.

We've worked with

This program is built from renowned workshops and trainings given to executive leaders around the world

  • ACLU
  • Meetup
  • Pivotal
  • Shopify
  • Slack
  • Strava
  • Vend
  • Vox

... and a few Fortune 100 companies whose logos we can't show :)

I've taught this content to companies large and small. Now you can learn the same material, wherever and whenever works best for you.

You'll receive:

What's included?

  • All 5 courses: Mentoring, Coaching, and Sponsoring, Dealing With Surprising Human Emotions, Setting Expectations as a Manager, Delivering Feedback, and Building Resilience.

  • Captioned video lessons in which I teach and model the skills covered for each course

  • Exercises throughout each course to immediately apply every skill to your own work

  • Interactive homework to continuously hone every skill in your real-life settings

  • A certificate of course completion when you finish each course

  • Need more time to digest and reflect as you go? Each course will keep track of where you left off!


“I shared the course with my peers and offered to run a study group. That group went quite well, and I am now starting my third cohort! Everyone in my study groups has come away from the course enlightened. One of the key takeaways from the course has been a shared understanding and vocabulary. The tools in this course are universal. I recommend it to everyone.” —Jake Sutton, Senior Engineering Manager

Level up your management skills.

Original price: $975. Buy now and save 15%!

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purchasing power parity for individuals around the globe! Contact us to learn more.

Free preview

Check out a real lesson

In this free lesson from the Mentoring, Coaching, and Sponsoring course, you'll learn how to use two crucial coaching tools, and discover why coaching is even more powerful than mentoring.


Demystifying Management Workshop Attendees

“This workshop was critical to my development as a leader. Lara challenged the group in an approachable way, leaving us with the tools and knowledge to transform into the managers we hope to be. This training was not only beneficial for my professional future, but also my personal growth as well.”

Community and Experiences Lead

Olivia Rogine

“Lara’s Demystifying Management workshop fundamentally changed how I manage and communicate. I put the skills I learned into practice immediately and have seen nothing but positive results.”

Principal Cloud Advocate

Emily Freeman

“Concepts like sponsoring, setting expectations, or understanding a person’s emotional state seems obvious, but as managers we rarely ever think about them. Lara’s workshop did a great job of highlighting these aspects of people management, explaining their relevance, and giving me the tools to support and address them in my daily work to get the best out of reports.”

Engineering Manager

Arjan Singh

Sponsor this program for those who need it

Buy a full priced program for yourself, and sponsor 50% of a program for a member of a minoritized group! Wherewithall will cover the other 50% of the program.

There are currently 10 people waiting for a sponsor!

If you're a member of a minoritized group and you're interested in receiving a sponsored video program, please fill out this form!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long is the program?

    The Complete Demystifying Management Program consists of 5 courses, which each have video lessons, exercises and homework. The video content and exercises for each course will take you between 25-40 minutes. You’ll fold the homework into your every day management practice.

  • What if I'm not a manager?

    This is still for you! The skills covered apply to any kind of leadership work. If you need to deliver feedback to others, manage up, set project direction, or help your teammates learn and grow, you'll acquire a ton of crucial skills from this program.

  • Who is the instructor?

    Lara Hogan is the author of the bestselling book Resilient Management, and is a public speaker and coach for managers and leaders across the tech industry. Before Wherewithall, Lara spent a decade growing managers and emerging leaders; she was the VP of Engineering at Kickstarter, and an Engineering Director at Etsy.

  • I attended the in-person Demystifying Management workshop! Should I take this course too?

    This program builds on your skills! You'll see new perspectives (watch Lara receive coaching and mentorship!), get more practice with new exercises, and apply what you've learned with homework that you can only find in this online program.