Try before you buy

In this free lesson from the Mentoring, Coaching, and Sponsoring course, you'll learn how to use two crucial coaching tools, and discover why coaching is even more powerful than mentoring.

What's next?

If you purchase this course, you'll see:

  • A real coaching call between me and my coach, in which she employs the skills mentioned in this free preview
  • A call with my mentor, to compare and contrast mentoring and coaching skills
  • Exercises to help you balance between mentoring, coaching, and sponsoring with your direct reports
  • Homework to approach sponsorship thoughtfully as soon as you get back to work
  • And so much more!

The Mentoring, Sponsoring, and Coaching course is included in the Demystifying Management program. With the full program, you'll receive even more lessons, exercises, homework, and mock calls so you can see a vast array of skills in action!